Private Tour Request

"*" indicates required fields

Please complete the following form to begin the process of scheduling a tour of Lucas Oil Stadium. Private Tours must be booked at least two (2) weeks in advance. Submitting this form is a request and does not guarantee a tour or tour date. If you have any additional questions, please call (317) 941- 9266 or email [email protected].

Contact Information


Tour Details

Preferred Date #1*
Preferred Date #2*
Preferred Date #3*
Is your group a not-for-profit or a school group?*
Not-For-Profit and school groups must show documentation demonstrating their status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Will any member of your party require accommodations for mobility equipment?*

Acknowledgement Agreement*

  1. Payment rates for Lucas Oil Stadium Private Tours are listed below and include a $50 non-refundable administrative fee:
  2. Group SizeTour PriceSchools/Non-Profit Orgs
    101-125 (max)$1500$875
  3. If additional tour tickets are required after initial scheduling, Client must notify Lucas Oil Stadium of the change by calling (317) 941-9266 or by email at [email protected] with a minimum of 24 hour advance notice.
  4. Payment must be made with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover) or business check. No cash or personal checks will be accepted.
  5. Please make checks payable to Capital Improvement Board of Managers.
  6. Payment must be made in full no later than TWO (2) WEEKS in advance of scheduled tour date.
  7. Private Tours cannot be confirmed until two (2) months before the requested tour date and tour routes are subject to change based on the stadium event schedule.
  8. Parking is not guaranteed, but Lucas Oil Stadium will provide a drop-off location if parking is not available.
  9. Children 3 years of age and under are admitted FREE when accompanied by a paid adult.
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For more information, please contact

Lucas Oil Stadium Tour Program

Lucas Oil Stadium
500 S. Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46225-1117


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